Value | Meaning |
CO_MENU | container displays a system menu |
CO_NOBORDER | container has no border |
CO_NOCAPTION | container has no title bar |
CO_CHILDINSIDE | container is a child of father and is included inside |
CO_MINBOX | container has a minimize button in title bar (requires CO_MENU) |
CO_MAXBOX | container has a maximize button in title bar (requires CO_MENU) |
CO_SIZEBOX | container has resizable border (requires CO_MENU) |
CO_HIDE | container is created hidden |
CO_MINIMIZE | container is created minimized |
CO_MAXIMIZE | container is created maximized |
CO_DISABLE | container is created disabled |
CO_3DBORDER | container has a 3d border |
CO_LEAVEHOVER | container handles events corresponding to the mouse cursor entering or leaving it |