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Modifies the parameters of a HPart3d object.

I M3setParticle (
S3d _session_
HPart3d _part_
H3d _topo_
I _mask_
F _life_
F _rate_
F _weight_
F _size_
F _spin_
F _polarity_

3D Session
Type of particle
Represents the topology used for the rendering of each particle of this type.
Allows to activate or not the flags defining this type of particle :
PCL_BILLBOARD : the particles are always facing the camera.
PCL_RAINBOW : the color of the particles is randomly attributed based on the table of colors and the color does not change until the particles die.
Maximum lifespan of a particle
Number of particles emitted every 100 frames
Mass of a particle
Particle size
Rotation of particle on itself
Polarity of particles of this type, useful with certain effects.
Return value

0 if successful, otherwise nil

If a parameter (to the exclusion of the session and the particle) is set to nil, the current value is maintained.
See Also

M3getParticle and M3createParticle