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These are the common Scol functions on integers, strings, lists, array, floating numbers and time.
- Ef
- F
- I
- PIf
- S
- _getlongname
- _mix16
- _mix8
- _tickcount
- abs
- absf
- acos
- asin
- atan
- atan2
- atof
- atoi
- cos
- ctime
- ctoa
- endlist
- exp
- ftoa
- ftoi
- gmtime
- hd
- htoi
- itoa
- itof
- itoh
- linebuild
- linebuild2
- lineextr
- listtostr
- listtotab
- listtotabR
- localtime
- log
- log10
- max
- min
- mkscript
- mktab
- mod
- munzip
- mzip
- nth_char
- nth_list
- pow
- rand
- rootn
- set_nth_char
- sin
- sizelist
- sizetab
- sqr
- sqrt
- srand
- strbuild
- strbuild2
- strcat
- strcatn
- strcmp
- strcmpi
- strdup
- strextr
- strfind
- strfindi
- strlen
- strlowercase
- strtolist
- strtoweb
- struppercase
- substr
- switch
- switchstr
- switchstri
- tabtolist
- tabtolistR
- tan
- time
- tl
- unzip
- webtostr
- zip